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LA B’nai Mitzvah DJ
Date : 21 May 2021

LA B’nai Mitzvah DJ @ Newport Dunes Resort

Here is some footage of another LA B’nai Mitzvah DJ event we did for the Solkow family last June at the Newport Dunes Resort in Newport Beach. Two B’nai Mitzvahs in 1 year, that is sort of bizarre!  Jenna & Nicole where two awesome girls/Sisters who really just wanted to dance and have a good time, and mom & dad (Anne & Stuart) wanted to make that happen for them.

On this event we brought our LA B’nai Mitzvah DJ Video Dance Party Package, which makes it fun for everyone, even the non-dancers where entertained by the selections of old and new videos. The staff of the Dunes Resort where very helpful and easy to work with and I have to say this is a very cool place to have any sort of event in the Orange County area. Not sure if it’s still an option, but you can have them move the roof back (like a sunroof) for a more open air feel.

One of the tough things that a LA B’nai Mitzvah DJ has to do is talk young son’s and daughters into having a Father/Daughter dance or a Mother/Son dance and that is hard. The idea that it’s great photo moment for the parent is not a good enough reason for your kid to do this. They think it’s just humiliating having to do this and they do not want to look stupid. The better idea is to get them on our side; the side of what’s great for your party. If you come out to dance, we are only going to have you dance for 30 seconds, but we are going to have the other parents dance with their kids, thus filling up the dance floor. Now when then next song we play is a dance song, we have a full dance floor of people and we don’t have to try so hard and they are a part of it. That usually works 80% of the time, and it did with both girls dancing with dad as you can see in the video. http://www.newportdunesspecialevents.com/Family.html