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OC Bat Mitzvah DJ
Date : 21 May 2021

OC Bat Mitzvah DJ at Dave & Busters

We are super lucky to have such great families that book us for all their events, and Lisa & Rob Rutkowski are no exception when they booked us as their OC Bat Mitzvah DJ. We (DJ Alvis & DJ Brian) handled Benjamin’s Bar Mitzvah a few years ago and now it was time for the infectious energy bomb Annie! They had Ben’s party at Dave & Busters the first time and because it was such a good vibe they decided why mess with a good thing (same thing about us) and they had it there again. Shannon McNally was the operation manager at Dave & Busters, and if your looking for a unique place without a lot of hassles you should give her (or the next person) a call. A super cool person, (and I run into few special ones as an LA DJ). 

If your doing an event at Dave & Busters (any of their locations), you need to have a great plan ahead of time. The reason is that place is a real attention stealer, especially for boys because of all the great games, Nothing like shooting Zombies. So either have them come in early for 1 hour, or save the bands to play to give out with the last hour or when the party ends.

Annie is part of the Theater/Dance crowd; yes crazy and an Orange County DJ’s Dream crowd to perform for. When you watch the video link below, you will see that her and her friends don’t need much encouragement, and when it was time for the Harlem Shake…well just watch. Lastly many thanks to Lisa’s (Mom) over the top, but super sweet Tasty Sounds creative balloon shout out with her friend, it was by far the best of the year. Mazel Tov to the whole Rutkowski family! Click here if intersted in contacting us.